There Is Hope…

Since 1998, we have seen the Lord do miracles on a daily basis! Every day holds the possibility of the impossible happening at Shepherd’s house.

Only two forces have ever given their lives for us; Jesus Christ for our salvation… and the American soldier for our freedom!

Such Amazing Memories

Mission Statement

The mission of Shepherd’s House is to rebuild the lives of those who society views as hopeless, into sober and productive assets to this community.
Inside Shepherd's House

No honorably discharged veteran should be homeless regardless of their situation. Shepherd’s House helps those who need support, and we provide a comfortable safe place for them to stay as they work through the clinical treatment program.  We are currently the only clinical program specifically serving homeless veterans struggling with mental health and addiction.

American soldiers have put their lives on the line to protect and guarantee Our freedoms. Sometimes they pay the price of dealing with Invisible wounds of combat and trauma that they faced while in war zones. Many veterans seek out drugs and alcohol to avoid those disturbing memories of combat and trauma.

Depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms, thoughts of suicide, plus the continued nightmares that plague their minds. Many use substances to numb the pain - the memories of war.

Shepherd’s House Clinical program addresses all the needs that veterans encounter as they return home from deployment and the struggles with reintegrating into society.

Shepherd’s House has regularly scheduled recovery meetings, speaker meetings, financial management classes, spiritual counseling, psychological education classes, relapse prevention, life skills, and one on one with case managers and clinical professionals.  The clinical staff assists our Veterans in navigating the Veterans Administration website and makes referrals for primary care, mental health services and other services and supports our Veterans’ need.

Our clinical staff uses evidence-based practices proven effective with veterans.  Our program has competency in treating co-occurring mental health diagnoses.

Our goal is for each Veteran to build a solid foundation of sobriety and regain their dignity within society.

We need your support. Help us meet our goals.