About The Program

Shepherd’s house is a long-term residential program for homeless Veterans who are alcohol and chemically addicted, or struggle with mental health issues.  The facility is essentially located on the northeast side of Fort Wayne.  Participants are asked to make a personal commitment to the clinical program. We offer education and therapy regarding alcoholism and or chemical dependency and recovery.  Our professional staff assists each Veterans with the creation of an effective support system. The structured approach is designed to help veterans develop a solid foundation of sobriety.

Dignity and a healthy self-image are viewed as basic in recovery. The program recognizes and satisfies, and individuals early realistic dependency needs while striving to assure that, as treatment progresses and personal coping mechanisms become more adaptive and functional, there is less need for the rigid structure support and reliance on external resources.

This facility is comprised of highly motivated, experienced staff, many of whom are themselves in recovery.

Shepherds House has a Culinary Director, who ensures our Veterans receive balanced nutritional home cooked meals, along with snacks, ice cream etc

Our Vision is to return Veterans self-sufficient, employed and empowered with a sober vision of hope for their future.

  • May 28, 2014

    Services Offered

    • 12-Step & AA Recovery Meetings
    • Licensed Social Worker on site
    • Spiritual Counseling
    • Computer Workstations with tutor
    • Life Skills Classes
    • Wellness Classes
    • Drug & Alcohol Classes ‘Embracing Recovery’
  • May 29, 2014

    Our Facility

    • 35 Beds on Tennessee Avenue
    • 6 Beds on Spy Run
    • 39 Beds at Choices Treatment Center
    • On Public Transportation Line
    • Exercise/Weight Room
    • Computer Lab
    • Serenity Gardens/Pond
    • Outdoor Theater
    • Ice Machine
    • Laundry Facilites - OnSite
  • May 30, 2014

    Board of Directors

    • Jane Surbeck, President
    • James Zuber, Vice President
    • Dennis Zent, Voting Member, State Representative- House District 51
    • Dennis Schebig, Secretary, Retired Fort Wayne Police Officer
    • Magistrate Jason Custer, Voting Member, Allen County Superior Court
    • Mark Music, Treasurer
    • Terry McDonald, Voting Member, CEO New Haven Chamber of Commerce, Former Mayer of New Haven, IN
    • Dean Huey, Voting Member, Retired Allen County Police Officer 1983 to 2008
  • May 31, 2014

    Mission Statement

    The mission of Shepherd’s House is to rebuild the lives of those who society views as hopeless, into sober and productive assets to this community.

  • May 31, 2014

    Shepherd's House Statement of Faith

    Shepherd's House is founded on Christian Principles and beliefs and the authority of scriptures. We believe in the Trinity and that Jesus Christ is Lord and savior. We are faith based, nonprofit which also offers these types of foundations and principles to our veterans at Shepherd’s House in all that we do.  We treat all Veterans with dignity and respect, and Shepherd’s house respects the belief systems of all clients and encourages all participants and their own faith journey in recovery from addictions.
  • June 1, 2014

    National Statistics

    • Total veteran population: 22,658,000 (Per the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs)
    • 23% of the homeless population are veterans
    • 67% have served 3-7 years
    • 89% have received an Honorable Discharge
    By operating a facility to help fallen hero’s get back on their feet we are able to help do our part in maintaining a stable society by people who can contribute to society as a whole.  Statistics show by using our facility that 92% of people who have been in Shepherds House have successfully completed the program and have become working citizens in this community. We believe in the power of positive thinking and are true providers for those who need and seek our help.
  • June 2, 2014


    • Former Vice President Mike Pence
    • Senator Jim Banks
    • Congressman Marlin Stutzman
    • Fort Wayne Mayor
    • Superior Court Judge Frances Gull
    • Magistrate Samuel Keirns
    • Magistrate Jason Custer
    • Senior Judge Wendy Davis
  • June 4, 2014

    The Lord is Our Beacon of Hope

    Shepherd’s House helps battle the nation’s drug and alcohol problem at a local level. We have expanded services with two additional facilities that provide shelter, support and clinical services. Our hope is to booster efforts to reduce substance abuse and addiction in our community and further reduce the recidivism rate. Shepherd’s house serves a large population of homeless veterans. The majority of our veterans also suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and other mental health issues. Many struggle with suicidal ideations Participants work closely with our clinical staff to create individualized treatment and then meet regularly to work on case management. That goal is to establish and maintain abstinence while increasing their knowledge of the disease and the process of recovery. Veterans are provided with a variety of services designed to assist them as they move from homelessness into permitted housing. Veterans are transformed with hard work, motivation, accountability and support from a staff, veterans are transformed. The results are life altering and for many Veterans are lifesaving.
